Saturday, July 20, 2013

Personal Post Alert

I know I haven't posted in a while & there's a reason for that. So today I am making a personal post. Sorry, no SW pictures or jokes today. 

I consider myself to be a pretty nice person. All around decent. I don't talk about people behind their backs, and I try to find the good in everyone. But when someone makes a personal attack on ME, for doing nothing wrong .. that's just plain piss in my cornflakes. I am turning 23 this year, and you would think people 30+ would be the least of my worries. Think again. 
People DON'T grow up. People DON'T stop spewing high school drama. They just grow some facial hair and walk around with a grown-up act while they talk shit about you behind your back & make you feel about an inch tall. Confrontation is my least favourite thing, yet I seem to be facing it on a daily basis. For what, you ask? For nothing. For being myself, and being nice to people. For loving someone and being loved in return, and having people try to tell me that our love isn't important. For being concerned and being friendly. For being a GOOD PERSON. If you make people feel like they're not a good person, for doing nothing wrong, then YOU are not a good person. Don't walk around with your head high like you're better than everyone else, because you're not. Making people feel bad, and making them cry, does not make you a good person. It makes you a prick. Live and let live. Talk down to me all you want. It only means I'm above you. I hope you all have nice lives being a big, fat Negative Nancy .. and be warned that one day your negative attitude and inability to be a nice person, flipping out over everything, WILL catch up with you, mentally & physically. And I'll be on the sidelines laughing & saying "I told you so".

I told you so.

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