Wednesday, June 12, 2013

DIY Ewok Costume

Bing bang boom look at my cute Ewok costume. 
I'm Italian, but I'm not that hairy. I did have to substitute some hair in the costume to make up for where I was lacking. 
Ewoks get a bad rap in the SW original trilogy. They come off as kind of silly and useless, and as if they could really defeat Stormtroopers (as if that's hard). But I like them, so screw you.
Especially Warrick W. Wicket, the little loner Ewok who I modeled my costume after and who most girls model their costumes after, but mine's better. So, suck it.
Inspiration came late one night and I had to write it all down. I definitely had the visual in my head, and it turned out beautifully. A masterpiece, if you will.

Things I used:
• A furry blanket, preferably dark ($3.99 Sally Ann)
• An orange pillow case ($1 Sally Ann)
• A brown tank top ($2.99 Sally Ann)
• An old black mini skirt
• An old pair of Uggz boots (not real Uggz - I'm too poor for that)
• A big wooden stick, courtesy of my back yard
• Hot glue & hot glue gun
• Sewing needle & black thread
• A few buttons I took off of my sweater

And that's it! It was super affordable, although it was time-consuming. However I did it with minimal skill. I can't sew to save my life. Thankfully with the hot glue gun and dark fabric it was easily passed as good craftsmanship.

Basically I just glued a bunch of crap together, and did my best to fit it to my body.

Included in the cosplay costume:
• A headdress equipped with ears
• Forearm cuffs
• Top
• Furry skirt
• Furry boots
• Furry satchel 
• Wooden slingshot
• Wooden spear

And if you don't think this costume is awesome, then ... go elsewhere because I don't want your negative Nancy-ness wearing off on me. I worked hard and I am proud. It has dutifully inspired me to create more SW costumes! I can't wait for the next!


  1. Wow, great ideas! Please don't be offended when I say, I am going to use yours as a base to create mine!

  2. Awesome Costume! Keep rocking the Star Wars costumes!

  3. I love it! I am creating my own Wicket costume for Halloween! I can't wait to see it all finished!

  4. If anyone criticizes you they are ridiculous!!! This is so original and cute. Way to go!

  5. Awesome. Great work. I am adding this link to my Geek Hut guide to Star Wars Cosplay. Hope you like it.
