Saturday, July 20, 2013

Personal Post Alert

I know I haven't posted in a while & there's a reason for that. So today I am making a personal post. Sorry, no SW pictures or jokes today. 

I consider myself to be a pretty nice person. All around decent. I don't talk about people behind their backs, and I try to find the good in everyone. But when someone makes a personal attack on ME, for doing nothing wrong .. that's just plain piss in my cornflakes. I am turning 23 this year, and you would think people 30+ would be the least of my worries. Think again. 
People DON'T grow up. People DON'T stop spewing high school drama. They just grow some facial hair and walk around with a grown-up act while they talk shit about you behind your back & make you feel about an inch tall. Confrontation is my least favourite thing, yet I seem to be facing it on a daily basis. For what, you ask? For nothing. For being myself, and being nice to people. For loving someone and being loved in return, and having people try to tell me that our love isn't important. For being concerned and being friendly. For being a GOOD PERSON. If you make people feel like they're not a good person, for doing nothing wrong, then YOU are not a good person. Don't walk around with your head high like you're better than everyone else, because you're not. Making people feel bad, and making them cry, does not make you a good person. It makes you a prick. Live and let live. Talk down to me all you want. It only means I'm above you. I hope you all have nice lives being a big, fat Negative Nancy .. and be warned that one day your negative attitude and inability to be a nice person, flipping out over everything, WILL catch up with you, mentally & physically. And I'll be on the sidelines laughing & saying "I told you so".

I told you so.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

New costume in the making

So I'm glad I sat on my next Cosplay Star Wars idea because I hit a big speed booster today & my costume is now in motion! I was originally going to do Lyn Me but changed my mind - and I think that this one is going to go quite well! I won't say what it is just yet. I haven't figured out every aspect of the costume yet, but I'll come to those obstacles when I get there. Until then - I am excited!!! 

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Instagram Alert

So I have been forever trying to get an Instagram account to feature my costumes .. OK I only tried a couple days ago, but after what felt like eons has produced good results! An account @ladiesoftheforce featured me! It started out slow but I just saw I'm at 316 likes! That's crazy! 316 more people know who I am, which is awesome.
And, I don't want to brag but that's practically the highest amount of likes any of their features have gotten - including the ultra sexy ones!
And I'm glad @ladiesoftheforce featured me on IG and @deathstardollies featured me on FB! Classy ladies in SW costumes and memorabilia! We don't need to show off our tatas to get likes! No we don't!
So a big IG thank you to @ladiesoftheforce for making my day :) and a big FB thank you to Death Star Dollies - and I am looking forward to the Slave Leia/Wicket/Vader hopefully appearing somewhere on IG from @deathstardollies or @force_girls! 

May the force be with you.
And also with you.

New costume in the works ..

I am desperately eager to make another SW costume but will be forever haunted by the fact that my first costume came out so amazing. I don't know if I can ever beat it.
But I'm going to try - and here's what I intend to make.
Meet Lyn Me, a Twi'lek dancer. I love the head tails and that's 90% why I chose it. I've been keeping an eye out for materials and trying to plot in my head how it will work. I am positive I will make this happen ... eventually ... but not right now because I just painted my nails. :)

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Slave Leia

What a day, what a day. I am le exhausted. I went to Animal Services to volunteer & needless to say its a wonder I didn't walk out of there with at least one animal.
Today I thought I would share my lovely Slave Leia costume, purchased not made (I'm not that crafty).
I got this gem in April and I had to keep it hidden until May 4th for the classy "May the 4th be with you" Facebook posting. This costume makes me feel happy, although it is made out of shoddy material and it fits awkward. The hair piece is just ridiculous - it doesn't fit right, nor does it stay in my hair properly. Plus I didn't have long enough hair to do the Slave Leia hairdo - I see a lot of people do the side buns with this outfit, but that's not Kosher to a true SW fan, so I did my best with what I had here. I need to get myself some of the boots she wore, though - like, how can I wear this in public if I don't have booties for my feet?! A problem for another day, I suppose. My bigger issue is getting a bangin' bod so that I can wear this comfortably - it was saggy in some areas, but a little tight on the ol' muffin top - so I've got to work on that. 
I don't remember where I bought it, but I believe it was around $50. Worth the money despite its obvious shortcomings? Absolutely. I love it and I can't wait to show it off again. 

May the force be with you,

And also with you!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Favorite PT Scene

I often like to talk about my favorite scenes from the SW franchise, and today I thought I would do the prequel trilogy.
It often gets a bad rap (like my poor Ewoks from OT), but I believe that the PT is done quite well.
All of the actors did amazing jobs - yes, even Natalie Portman & Hayden Christiansen. Christiansen really pulled off the egotistical and easily wavered Anakin - he played the role with passion and emotion, and some sexy locks. Made my panties drop.
But out of the PT I liked Revenge of the Sith the best, mostly for the emotions at the end of the film and the great acting. The duel & argument between Anakin & Obi-Wan was so powerful - the bellowing "I HATE YOU!!!" and the heartfelt "I loved you, Anakin! You were my brother!" 

It gives me goosebumps just recalling the scene. 

And nothing is quite as powerful as Anakin's death stare by the lava before losing his legs. As I said, this is a powerful movie, and despite the bad rap the PT often gets, I enjoyed them all in their own way. Still, nothing compares to the OT. 

Star Wars Nails Attempt #2

I give up on these nails. I am seriously lacking in the nail esthetics department.
I did some new nails - particularly Boba Fett. Meh. I am indifferent about it all.
But it doesn't matter because I slept on them all before they were dry and now they're weird looking.
Lesson learned.
Moving on.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Worst. Nails. Ever!!

So because I have ample time on my hands now that I am done my spring courses - yay, me! - I am going to re-attempt the SW nails that I so eloquently failed the last time I tried. My first problem was I don't have the right colors. My second problem was I was using the nail polish brush and toothpicks, like a savage or something. I still don't have the right tools but hey, I'm feeling lucky.
I'm going to add a Boba Fett nail, and definitely work on that Stormtrooper nail. I think Vader is too hard. I'm just not that talented.
I'm also not talented enough to do both hands so, the right will do.

Blogger away!!! 

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

DIY Ewok Costume

Bing bang boom look at my cute Ewok costume. 
I'm Italian, but I'm not that hairy. I did have to substitute some hair in the costume to make up for where I was lacking. 
Ewoks get a bad rap in the SW original trilogy. They come off as kind of silly and useless, and as if they could really defeat Stormtroopers (as if that's hard). But I like them, so screw you.
Especially Warrick W. Wicket, the little loner Ewok who I modeled my costume after and who most girls model their costumes after, but mine's better. So, suck it.
Inspiration came late one night and I had to write it all down. I definitely had the visual in my head, and it turned out beautifully. A masterpiece, if you will.

Things I used:
• A furry blanket, preferably dark ($3.99 Sally Ann)
• An orange pillow case ($1 Sally Ann)
• A brown tank top ($2.99 Sally Ann)
• An old black mini skirt
• An old pair of Uggz boots (not real Uggz - I'm too poor for that)
• A big wooden stick, courtesy of my back yard
• Hot glue & hot glue gun
• Sewing needle & black thread
• A few buttons I took off of my sweater

And that's it! It was super affordable, although it was time-consuming. However I did it with minimal skill. I can't sew to save my life. Thankfully with the hot glue gun and dark fabric it was easily passed as good craftsmanship.

Basically I just glued a bunch of crap together, and did my best to fit it to my body.

Included in the cosplay costume:
• A headdress equipped with ears
• Forearm cuffs
• Top
• Furry skirt
• Furry boots
• Furry satchel 
• Wooden slingshot
• Wooden spear

And if you don't think this costume is awesome, then ... go elsewhere because I don't want your negative Nancy-ness wearing off on me. I worked hard and I am proud. It has dutifully inspired me to create more SW costumes! I can't wait for the next!

Black Milk Clothing what the Hell?

Why would Blackmilkclothing make so many awesome things that I simply can't afford? Like it actually pisses me off.
These leggings are beyond beautiful, and I want like 15,000 pairs so I can wear them every day for the rest of my life.
But $85.00? I'm poor. Like, poor poor. Grad student poor.
Make them cheaper! Or someone buy me a pair .. I'm begging you.

Star Wars on the daily

Because I absolutely have nothing better to do with my time - here is a blog, probably like millions of others - about Star Wars.
Yes. Star Wars. That coy little film that came out before I was born but captivated me like thousands and thousands of others. 
I intend to use this blog to rant about ideas, costumes, DIY, things I cannot afford, things that irk me - all related to Star Wars.
And I promise I will keep the drooling over Hayden Christiansen to a minimum.
Okay, I lied. It will be a big portion.
But this isn't your Mama's Star Wars blog - no siree - if you can't take the heat, don't touch the light saber. This blog is definitely PG-13. But nothing too nasty, I cross my heart.
I love getting news about Star Wars and chatting with new buddies, so if you'd like, email me - littlest.ewok@gmail.con ... especially if you have a wicked cool Star Wars related picture or idea that you want to share.
Until then,

May the force be with you.

And also with you (I'm Catholic, I can't help but say it).

Littlest Ewok